Organisational Development
Learning to transform
as an organisation
For Organisations…
that are looking for their own way to New Work and agile forms of cooperation and want to adapt their values, strategies, structures and processes to new needs.
that want to be fair and attractive employers and promote the motivation, performance and personal development of their talents with meaningful projects.
that want to create a culture of cooperation with transparent communication and jointly supported decisions for their employees, customers and stakeholders.
Goals and outcomes
« We now realise where agile working is possible in our organisation and how we can introduce agile forms of working without overburdening our employees. »
« We have clearly communicated goals and fair agreements on objectives that enable our employees to work in a self-responsible, cooperative and healthy way. »
« We know, maintain and expand our strategic competencies and combine individual and organisational learning through our talent development. »
Formats and methods
Keynote speech
A keynote speech provides well-structured information and suggestions in a short period of time. This encourages participants to self-reflect and form their own opinions and prepares them for a discussion, which can often be controversial. Targeted questions support active engagement with the content and promote an elaboration of the different perspectives. The duration and number of participants of a keynote speech can be very individually designed and might be influenced by the topic, the context of the event and the existing culture of discussion.
Workshops & Facilitation
As kick-off events or as a part of projects, professionally designed and conducted workshops have a central function for leaders and participants. In particular, strategy discussions, decision-making and transformation topics as well as conflict situations require - in addition to the processing of content – a clear and independent facilitation. The formats and the mix of methods can be as individual as the starting point and goal of the client and the various stakeholders.
Learning Loops
From developing strategic competencies to learning experience design and individual learning tracks, learning in organisations is key to their success. To remain capable of innovation and transformation, future-oriented organisations need a learning and cooperation culture that suits them. In moderated or self-organised networks, employees and managers develop the optimal conditions for their knowledge exchange and the reduction of information silos. Adaptive learning and development strategies enable a sustainable talent management.