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Dr. Juerg Haefliger, Schweiz, Winterthur, Zürich, Business Coach

Jürg Haefliger


Research, counselling and leading people are the three crucial stages of my 25-year professional life. And today I can share the knowledge and experience I have gained with my clients. 

  • Together with strong teams, I have built up and managed the Learning & Development department for two global corporations and an SME operating throughout Switzerland.

  • As a partner in an international management consultancy, I founded my own division and developed and implemented complex transformation projects for our clients together with my employees.

  • At the University of Basel, I could lead my first courses as a research associate, and for the Swiss National Science Foundation, as a researcher and project manager, I investigated how interdisciplinary teams can best work together.

Today I can focus on my heart's issues: Supporting people to make their working lives happier and healthier, to develop their talents and leadership skills in a sustainable way, and to cooperate successfully in the demanding world of organisations and companies.

Education and professional trainings

  • Design-Thinking-Coach
    HPI Academy Potsdam


  • Systemic Business & Personal Coach  
    Coaching Akademie Berlin


  • Executive Master in Strategic HR Management 
    SDA Bocconi Business School Milan


  • Advanced Management Program
    Executive School, Universität of St. Gallen


  • Orchestrating Winning Performance
    IMD Business School Lausanne


  • Communication Scientist
    MA and PhD, University of Basel


  • Ch. Pimmer, J. Haefliger, F. Blumer: Competence and Training Management, in: Business Transformation Management Methodology. Edited by A. Uhl & L.A. Gollenia, Gower Publishing Ltd, Farnham, 2012

  • J. Haefliger: Imaginationssysteme. Erkenntnistheoretische, anthropologische und mentalitätshistorische Aspekte der Metaphorologie Hans Blumenbergs, Europäischer Verlag der Wissenschaften, Frankfurt a.M., Bern, 1996 

  • W.M. Fues, J. Haefliger: Interdisziplinäre Teamarbeit, in: Mensch und Umwelt. Eine komplexe Beziehung als interdisziplinäre Herausforderung. Hrsg von B. Köstner u. M. Vogt, Verlag Dr. J. Röll, Dettelbach, 1996 

Customer list / References

My clients are small and large organisations and companies. And above all they are individuals who want to develop their working life, their thinking and acting as leaders and experts in a positive way. Please send me your request with a short description of your situation. I will then be happy to send you 2-3 concrete references with a similar topic. 

Some of the organisations I already successfully cooperate with:

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